Magdala – Israel Tour

Posted by on Nov 4, 2010 in Site of the Week - LDS Church History Tour |

MAGDALA (Tower of Greatness)

Located 4 miles north of Tiberias, Magdala was one of the sites which Josephus fortified when he was governor of Galilee – before his defection to the Romans.  When the city fell to Titus in the struggle of the Jews against the Romans, 6,700 Jews were killed; thousands of the strongest were sent to Nero to dig the Corinthian canal (which was not actually accomplished until the 19th century) and 30,400 were auctioned off as slaves.

•    This was the home of Mary Magdalene (Luke 8:2; Mark 16:9)

•    Jesus came here after feeding the 4,000 (Matt 15:39, Mark 8:10)

•    The Pharisees and Sadducees sought a sign and Jesus told them of the sign of the prophet Jonas (Matt. 15:39-16:4, Mark 8:11-21)

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